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Filtering by Category: Comms

Comms: The ‘Golden’ Rules for Communicating a Change in your Business

Karen Thatcher

This week, Lyle’s Golden Syrup had a rebrand! If you haven’t seen it yet, they’ve found themselves in a bit of a ‘sticky’ situation… The reactions online have been mixed, with the media generally focussing on controversy over excitement.

When it comes to communicating a change in your business, like a shiny new rebrand, there are a few ‘Golden’ rules you can follow to keep the comms positive and be prepared for any negative reactions.

Here are my 3 top tips (Golden rules) for communicating your own rebrand to your audience

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Comms 101: Understanding the Basics & Why It Matters for Your Organisation

Karen Thatcher

“Comms” quite simply means “communications” and refers to ALL the ways a business, charity or organisation communicates in every form

Comms are the back bone of an organisation, they are the ways we communicate with people: for, with and alongside our organisation. There are loads of elements of comms (it is not, as most people assume, just “posting on Facebook”). Comms includes: branding; marketing; websites; social media; email; printed materials; even in-person! Whether internally, amongst staff/volunteers/team, or externally to the world. Although the way you do your comms differs from place to place, the basics are the same across most settings. 

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