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Case Study: Rebranding Churches Together in Ashford - Church and Charity Comms


Case Study: Rebranding Churches Together in Ashford - Church and Charity Comms

Karen Thatcher

Old & New…

I absolutely love the opportunity to brand or rebrand an organisation, especially if it’s one I already know and am passionate about. So when I got the chance to get my hands on the Churches Together in Ashford (CTA) branding, I almost bit their hand off. (Not literally.)

I was so excited to be brought in to build them a website that could showcase who they are and signpost people to find churches and support in Ashford. It made sense to take the opportunity to update their logo and all the other elements too at the same time.

Their old logo has been in circulation for MANY years and was reminiscent of the church in the 90s. (As someone who existed in churches in the 90’s, I can say this confidently, and it is in no way a criticism- 90’s church was great!) It was time to make a change, and launching a website gave us the perfect chance. we drew in the colour scheme and the meanings that underpinned the elements and then made it our own!

CTA is part of a wider organisation, Churches Together in England, whose original branding was used in the original CTA logo, but when CTE updated their own branding in 2014, CTA did not. Although there’s no obligation to be influenced in how each local group brands itself, we wanted to make sure we kept a nod to CTE, and the meanings that their branding held/continues to hold.

And so we drew in the colour scheme and the meanings that underpinned the elements… and then made it our own!

We wanted to keep the cross, sun rays, boat and water, as significant symbols in the Christian faith and the CTE movement as a whole, but modernise it and create something more unique to CTA as a stand-alone collective of churches. So we came up with a couple of options to work with, incorporating all of those elements.

Once we decided on the base image, we set to work tweaking and adjusting it to make it really sing. We looked at the combinations of colours, the typography (fonts) and tinier details.

Our work in progress…


It ended up as a lovely balance between a nod to the old and an invitation to the new.

It was such a pleasure to work with Rob from Churches Together in Ashford. We had so much fun throwing about ideas, and creating something that he was really happy with to represent an organisation that he (and I!) love.

It ended up as a lovely balance between a nod to the old and an invitation to the new. We then used the logo, colours and typography to create consistent branding on their website, also adding in some extra icons to represent the different elements of their organisation.

Whether you’re a church, charity, business or individual, if you’re looking for logo design/branding I’d love to help you create something that really tells the story of who you are. Download my services guide here to see what I offer.

Let’s chat about what you need & how we can work together. Whether you’re just putting out feelers or are ready to get going on a project, there are no strings attached when you reach out to chat!  You can either drop me an email to or just go ahead & book a call with me here!

This is me, Karen, the Thatch behind the Creative. I’m passionate about helping and equipping people to communicate the voice of their organisation in a creative and sustainable way, tailored to their specific resources and abilities. From design to comms strategy, I offer a wide variety of services. Get in touch today to talk about how we can work together!