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Photography and Videography

Photography and Videography

I offer a wide variety of Photography and Videography services.

Whether you’re a couple who want some engagement photos, maternity photos, you’re after some simple shots of your business or organisation in action, interview-style videos to reflect your business, or simple promos for social media, I can adapt to your needs. Storytelling is key in both photography and videography, and I’m ready to tell your story- I just need to get to know you a bit first!

How does it work?

So, how does it work?

How much it will cost will depend on what you’re get in touch for a specific quote

[I only offer photography and videography within Ashford and the surrounding areas…]

Whatever you are looking for when it comes to Photography and Videography, I’d love to work with you to tell the story of who you are. And it really is as simple as 1, 2, 3… and 4.

1) Get in touch and let me know what you’re after. Whether it’s a couple’s photoshoot, photos of your business in action, promo videos and content for your social media… the possibilities are endless. I will then send you a quote based on the project!

2) Once we have decided on what you’re after, and agreed the price, a date to do the photos/video and a location, I will ask for a 50% deposit. And then we’ll begin creating together! You can be as involved as you would like in the creation, including sending examples of what you’ve seen before, and any content you would like to include.

3) Once we have the raw photos/video taken I will go away and edit them to your specification and needs.

4) I’ll then invoice you for the remaining Instalment, and once the payment as been received, I’ll send you your high quality photos or video files!

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