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Welcome to Thatch Creative.

Thatch Creative is a small, one-person-run business by me, Karen Thatcher (hello!) and incorporates 2 elements:

  • Freelance creative and communications services, offering tailor-made comms strategy; design; web development; photography and videography. I work with individuals, small businesses, churches, charities and fully grown corporations. I can help you develop your comms and brand identity in a personal; 1-1 way!

  • A small empathy and encouragement shop; for those times when you don’t know what to say or how to help, but want to encourage, upbuild and reach out in the tough moments, the happy moments and everything in between.

For more about who Thatch Creative is, and where we’ve come from, head to our ABOUT page. But in the meantime, have a look around; and don’t hesitate to get in touch!


Thatch Creative sponsors The Beehive Ashford. It’s such an honour to financially support a charity changing lives in Ashford.