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Frequently Asked Questions


Check out some of these FAQs, but if there is a question you have that hasn’t been answered, get in touch!

  • “Comms” quite simply means “communications” and refers to ALL the ways a business, charity or organisation communicates in every form. If you want to learn a bit more of the basics, read my blog “Comms 101” here.

  • I know it can be really frustrating when you can’t find actual prices, without getting in touch. The reason why I don’t have hard and fast prices online, is because every single project is different. There’s no one size fits all. It depends on your need as to how I’ll price it- sometimes it needs to be charged per hour, sometimes it’s charged by project. I’ve included some basic ideas for some services to give you an idea…

    But if you’re wanting to find out more about how much it would cost to work with me, please get in touch, book a no-obligation call with me, or download my full services guide here.

  • Comms is a massive range of things, and I pretty much do them all. If it’s communicating, I probably offer it. But my main services that I offer are:

    • Design; both for print and digital

    • Branding; single logos and whole branding

    • Web development; small scale web design, web building and content writing

    • Photography/Videography; engagement photos, headshots, interview style videography… the possibilities are endless

    • Training; I love to give people the tools they need to be able to do their own comms, so whether you need some help forming your vision and values, some training in basic designing, or some social media training, I’d love to help!

    • Communications Consultancy; I offer tailor made comms consultancy which usually incorporates all of the above. I come in, see where you’re currently at and then make a plan with you for how you can make your comms authentically reflect your organisation! I help you to implement the plan, and then give you the tools to be able to sustain your comms strategy once I’ve left you. Sustainability is key!

    • Something else in mind that you haven’t seen offered? Comms is such a broad thing, and so I can’t list absolutely everything. If you have something else in mind, i’d love to hear from you!!

  • Are you a church leader and you’re wondering why you should even bother to invest in comms? I’ve got you covered. Check out my blog post where I chat about why you should bother!

    Churches and charities are my passion. I think they’re awesome, and have such incredible opportunities to change lives. Often, churches and charities are run massively by volunteers and/or on tight budgets, and so investing in comms isn’t always a top priority. But it really should be. Get in touch, and we can chat about how we can work together to find easy and effective ways to make your comms the best it can be with the resources and skills you currently have.

  • I do! Whether you want to find out about my freelance life, my shop or other aspects of my business, you can subscribe here!